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New commercial space in Radanovići (New Construction)

Vrsta: Poslovni Prostor za Duži Najam
Područje: Kotor
Lokacija: Radanovići
Adresa: Kotor, Crna Gora
Cijena: €1.800
Stambena Površina: 153 m2

Opis: Commercial space of 153 m2 is located on the first floor of a newly built residential building (with elevator) in Radanovići (Kotor). The property has a spacious terrace, and parking is available in front of the building. The highest quality material was used for the construction. The proximity of the municipalities of Tivat and Kotor makes this location ideal for many business activities. Great location, quality construction, size and reasonable price are just some of the features that make this property a great choice.

Registarski broj: 50954448
Država oglašivača: ME

Oglas Broj: 2793997 (1000)
Postavljeno: 10 Jun, 2022
Zadnja Promjena: 10 Jun, 2022
Tags: Duzi Najam Radanovići | Duzi Najam Poslovnih Prostora Radanovići | Duzi Najam Kotor | Duzi Najam Poslovnih Prostora Kotor

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